Friday, May 4, 2012


Ok, so when I recommend food or food stuffs to someone and they say to me "is it really that good?" I  will generally follow up with "yes, Look at me I know food" .
However, I really am impressed with a new olive oil that was given to us as a gift. I know what you are saying ----Olive oil really?!?
Yes, it is that good.
This extra virgin olive oil is from Fratelli Carli - Olio Carli.
It so much reminds me of the olive oil that we used around home years ago.
It has that smooth buttery olive taste that is missing in so much of the oils on the market today.
We have used it to cook chicken breast strips for tacos-- which it really enhanced the flavour of the finished meal.
We've used it on salad and (my personal favourite) drizzled of bread.
I can't wait to grill vegetables with this.
The flavour is not over powering, but has that complimentary effect that really good olive oil should have.
And Fratelli Carli even have a great website;, that is worth checking out. I even enjoyed the fact that they answer all kinds of questions about olive oil and it's benefits. They even touch on the fact that there are oils on the market stocked as "olive oil" which are composed of various other oils in addition. Good information to know --- the more informed you are the better off you are to make choices for you and your family.
Did you know that there is a olive museum? Well there is and you can even find info on that on their website.
You can buy their products directly from them online.
I'm sold !

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